Sunday, June 5, 2011

ME Time!

I have been making more time to train and run. For example one morning I awoke at 5:30 am and could not go back to bed. Instead of being frustrated I just got up and did kettle bell training. It felt great. The best ME time I have gained has been this weekend! I kept having get togethers to attend and I would stay out super late, which I felt more exhausted from the weekend festivities than my busy weeks for the last couple of weeks.

This weekend I planned on just having it for "me." I have rested, but also ran my first "hot" run about 92 degrees. It was in the afternoon and I ran the hilly course. I finished without feeling sick and felt strong afterwards. I finished off with yoga to calm my muscles and breathing down from the heat. Saturday I woke early to run 9 miles. It has been over 2.5 half months since I ran more than a 5k and kept up with a work out routine. The run felt great and can't wait till my strength improves. I got to see many bikers and other runners on my course. Their strength gives me inspiration and hope that I will be there soon enough. At the end of the run I enjoyed seeing a site that I can't even really explain, but it is like parachutes powered by BIG fans. Than to end my weekend is having a rest day where I did only kettle bell training.

I hope to keep up a routine this summer and by the 2nd of October can say I am confident to have an improvement on my half marathon time. Also, looking at training to accomplish a marathon distant in training by some time in August. Might attempt a marathon race in November or March.

Keep running and smiling :)

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