Wednesday, March 31, 2010
17 Days
I ran 3 5ks with breaks to stretch, drink water, and eat parts of a banana. It was the warmest weather I have ran in since last summer. The pollen and warmth made it interesting. I adored the blossoms that were occurring though and a light breeze. Also, along with all that the bustle and atmosphere changes in the neighborhoods I run in.
One gentleman kept riding his bike in front of me doing many tricks, which were impressive. Another group of boys were riding too and did small tricks like riding without hands near me. This of course tickled me.
There was a dog who barks at me every time I passed (Monday 5k run and yesterdays run) and I finally asked if he just didn't like people. The owner told me he didn't like people running. Next time I passed I walked and the dog was fine.
Another dog wanted to scare me, but the dog was all head and barely off the ground. Tiny tiny tiny toy looking dog. The last dog was a golden retriever with a tiny child attached to it. The dog could easily walk her instead of her walking it. When I ran passed them I heard her trailing behind me. I found that adorable.
Also, since my last post I ran a 5k race (that T.I. ran) and it was my 4th race. Its my 2nd with hills. 2 (1 flat and 1 hilly) I did not run the whole thing and 2 (1 flat and 1 hilly) I ran straight through.
Heading out to do pilates and next race will happen this Saturday. Its a 4.5 mile trail run.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Running 13.1 Miles with NO Music...WHAT?????
All my life I always had background noise. I have slept with it, I did my homework with it, and it helped me stay focus. It relaxes me and it jazzes me up. Keeps me distracted and not on other things that stress me. This challenge not only is going to push me physically, but mentally.
Today, was my 1st training day with trail runs and no music incorporated. I took my MP3 player with me just to feel like I am choosing to run without music instead of being forced to it. My woods run took about 10 minutes and it was down hill/ up hill and through mud and water. After that I ran a 2 mile run hill run.
The woods run taught me that no music is the best thing possible, because you have to respond to changes and be aware of everything around you. I made up the course as I went. The 2 mile run on my hill course on roads was strong without music until I hit the big hills at the end. Thats when the music came back on.
Good 1st day. Can't wait to do more.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I Am Officially a Long Distance Runner
I ended up running a full 10 miles without stopping, actually I did only when I had to at a road crossing. That only took a minute at the most.
Now, I condersider myself a long distance runner.
From a 2 week break from being sick. I had a great 18 miles this week.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
To become healthier or stronger people have to make changes in their lives that can be hard to do alone.
My challenge to you is to be public with others on your choices to become better through diets, working out, or whatever it maybe.
Post it in the comments box (if you know me personally and you try to comment and it won't let you....let me know and I can fix it) with your goal for a months time in mind and post your next weeks (starting from Sunday till the next Sunday) goal to reach that point.
Remember to keep the goals realistic, but challenging yourself too.
My goal for a month from now is a half marathon, the Grinite Grind.
My goal for next week is run up to or more than 10 miles in my long run.
At the end of each week we can keep each other posted on our goals and how we did. Through out the week we can give each other advice and motivation.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I See a Beautiful Day When Others Do Not
I decided to suit up still and go run outside on my hill course. My limit was just one time through, which is 2 miles. The reason behind this was to make sure not to over do it and get sick again.
I am glad I did, because with being outside again felt great and wasn't too hot or cold. The light breeze and drizzle made it fun. The birds reminded me that spring is on its way.
My muscles and breathing went into automatic pilot and the first slight incline that usually gives me trouble was easy and smooth. I thought that was a bad sign. Expected to crash before the even one mile was up. I was wrong. The whole 2 miles were strong and smooth. I felt amazing. I touch of sickness was in my stomach and I was a little dizzy so I stuck to my limit.
I ran the course in 21 minutes. My fastest time is about 20 minutes and my average is 25. I am back and stronger than I figured.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tail End of Being REALLY Sick
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Plans Deferred
Through this I missed 2 5ks (one I went out of town last minute) and today missing the 10k I wanted to run. The half marathon I wanted to run is next Sunday. I am not going to run it, because I do not have enough time to build back up to where I was in my training and push further. I know I will finish it, but since running is something I am good at I would want my first half to be strong.
On the 27th I am running a 5k, which is going to start my cycle over again that I planned on doing this past month that would of started on the 28th of February. I am planning on trying a simple light run tomorrow on Sunday. 2 miles on my hill course and some yoga to finish it up.
By mid April or early May I plan on the half marathon.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
This means though the race I planned on running on tomorrow will not happen, because my ear is still giving me problems which will cause me to have a lack of balance. Also, my congestion would make it hard to breath properly for the race.
Hope I heal up soon so I can run a 10k next Sunday and than the half marathon two Sundays from now.
Hate being sick.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Natural Pain Killers
In my recent Runners World magazine there was an article mentioning pain reliever remedies that are natural and works like Advil does. We all know that Advil in the like can cause damage to our livers if we take too much of it.
I tested 2 of these today after 4 miles running on my hill course where more than 2 miles is up hill in about 40 degrees weather with about 5 to 10 mph winds in the teens wind chill, which can cause my knees and hips to ache. Since my training was going slower than usual and the wind was chilling me to the bone I decided to finish my goal on the treadmill.
I took a break and did 30 minutes of pilates with a bodyband.
The last 2 miles I struggled with because of tightness and pain. I decided to walk 5 minutes and then try to run. It didn't go well, but I was determined to run 2 miles. The last mile I ran 200 meters and walked 200 meters till it was done. The 200 meters I ran were fartleks with it going 100 meters at 6 mph, than 50 meters I went up to 6.5 mph, and the last 50 meters I pushed it up to 7 mph.
All this and after 9.3 miles on Monday I am sore. I ate a salad with cottage cheese (remedy 1), mixed peppers, and extra virgin olive oil (remedy 2) for a dressing. Felt great after eating it. Works. Also, using my knee braces I bought that are just compression fit to help them.
Simple and healthier way to stave pain. Happy about that!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
No More Weeks Off
Recently in the last 3 weeks, I had a 20 mile week and than 2.1 mile with yoga week. I was going to have more, but was called into work. Also, I signed up for a 5k race for this past Sunday, but took a trip to the Wilderness at the Smokies randomly. Had a blast and got to see my Navy Man.
Yesterday, I became stressed and decided to go run. I planned on a 3 mile run sinceI ate so unhealthy this past weekend and the lack of sleep I received. I ended up running 9 miles. The first 3 miles felt good, but running into 2 pairs of friends at different points I had breaks in my run. The 2nd 3 miles I ran it straight through and pulled out in about 30 minutes. The last 3 miles the runners high couldn’t carry me anymore. I enjoyed it and my endurance did fine, but my knees, hips, and the bottom of my feet made me walk to give them a break.
Great start of the week. Hope tomorrow is strong too.